Advantages of your VAAM membership

  • Network of more than 3500 members from academia and industry in the various fields of microbiology and related disciplines.
  • Mentoring program for doctoral students from the 2nd year and postdocs, job exchange.
  • Promotion of young scientists through doctoral prizes, travel grants to national and international conferences. Access to financial support from the FEMS due to VAAM membership of the FEMS.
  • Reduced conference fees for the annual conference, FG symposia and GBM, DECHEMA and DGHM events.
  • Free subscription to BIOspektrum (7 issues per year) and the conference proceedings in the run-up to the annual conference with all abstracts. Members receive a password for online access to all BIOspektren and the opportunity to become a member of the various special groups that hold their own symposia or workshops.

    You will no doubt find that VAAM's membership potential is not yet exhausted. New members can register online here.