Streptomyces - institutes and working groups
- Secondary metabolites from Streptomyces, University of Tübingen
- Haloarchaea and the Formation of Gas Vesicles I Felicitas Pfeifer I Life 2015, 5, 385-402 I Doi: 10.3390/life5010385
- Halobacterium I MicrobeWiki
- Halobacterium I Inanimate Life
- How genetic plunder transformed a microbe into a pink, salt-loving scavenger I Lucas Brouwers I Scientific American I 2013
- Nobel prize Streptomyces: award speech 1952
- Nobel prize Ivermectin from Streptomyes 2015
- Streptomyces (educational video)
- Streptomyces (educational video)
further information:
- photos/ press images (respect copyrights)
- press release Microbe of the Year 2016 (German)
- ppt-presentation for lecturers (German)
- poster 2016