Bacillus subtilis - institutes/working groups
Molecular Physiology of Microbes (Gert Bange), Universität Marburg
Bioquant (Ilka Bischofs-Pfeifer), Universität Heidelberg, MPI für Terrestrische Mikrobiologie, Marburg
Microbial Biochemistry and Cell Biology (Marc Bramkamp), Universität Kiel
Molecular Microbiology (Fabian Commichau), Universität Hohenheim
Bioprocess Engineering (Rudolf Hausmann), Universität Hohenheim
Mechanisms of Molecular Machines (Dagmar Klostermeier), Universität Münster
Cellular Biochemistry & Metabolomics (Michael Lalk), Universität Greifswald
Microbiology und Infektion Medicine (Christoph Mayer), Universität Tübingen
Aerospace Microbiology (Ralf Moeller), Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Köln
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Thomas Schweder, Universität Greifswald
Microbioloy and Genetics (Jörg Stülke), Universität Göttingen
Science of Pathogens (Kürsad Turgay), Max-Planck-Forschungsstelle Berlin
Protein Synthesis und Ribosome Structure (Daniel Wilson), Universität Hamburg

- Bacillus subtilis - why this bacterium has more than deserved the title I Paulina Schneider, Dirk Schmidt I ELEMENTS - The innovation magazine by Evonik I 4/2023
- Bacillus subtilis, a Swiss Army Knife in Science and Technology I Jörg Stülke, Anika Grüppen, Marc Bramkamp, Stefan Pelzer I J. Bacteriology I May 2023
- Bacillus subtilis - an overview I ScienceDirect
- Bacillus subtilis biofilm formation and social interactions I Nature Reviews Microbiology I 2021
- A self-healing construction material I Tom Rademacher I Elements/Evonik I 2021
- Health beginns in the gut I Annette Locher I Elements/Evonik I 2021

- Spore formation in Bacillus subtilis I Richard Losick I Harvard University I 2010
- Bacillus subtilis: Sporulation I Bernard Jenni I 2012
- Bacillus subtilis in agriculture I Earthcrew Inc. I 2022
further information
- photos/press images (respect copyrights)
- press release Microbe of the Year 2023
- poster 2023
- presentation for lecturers 2023 (German)

Bacillus subtilis - institutes/working groups
Molecular Physiology of Microbes (Gert Bange), Universität Marburg
Bioquant (Ilka Bischofs-Pfeifer), Universität Heidelberg, MPI für Terrestrische Mikrobiologie, Marburg
Microbial Biochemistry and Cell Biology (Marc Bramkamp), Universität Kiel
Molecular Microbiology (Fabian Commichau), Universität Hohenheim
Bioprocess Engineering (Rudolf Hausmann), Universität Hohenheim
Mechanisms of Molecular Machines (Dagmar Klostermeier), Universität Münster
Cellular Biochemistry & Metabolomics (Michael Lalk), Universität Greifswald
Microbiology und Infektion Medicine (Christoph Mayer), Universität Tübingen
Aerospace Microbiology (Ralf Moeller), Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Köln
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Thomas Schweder, Universität Greifswald
Microbioloy and Genetics (Jörg Stülke), Universität Göttingen
Science of Pathogens (Kürsad Turgay), Max-Planck-Forschungsstelle Berlin
Protein Synthesis und Ribosome Structure (Daniel Wilson), Universität Hamburg

- Bacillus subtilis - an overview I ScienceDirect
- Bacillus subtilis biofilm formation and social interactions I Nature Reviews Microbiology I 2021
- A self-healing construction material I Tom Rademacher I Elements/Evonik I 2021

- Spore formation in Bacillus subtilis I Richard Losick I Harvard University I 2010
- Bacillus subtilis: Sporulation I Bernard Jenni I 2012
- Bacillus subtilis in agriculture I Earthcrew Inc. I 2022
further information
- photos/press images (respect copyrights)
- press release Microbe of the Year 2023