Halobacterium salinarum - working groups/ institutes
- Microbiology and Archaea, Felicitas Pfeifer, TU Darmstadt:
https://www.bio.tu-darmstadt.de/forschung/ressearch_groups/Pfeifer_Start.en.jsp - Membrane Biochemistry, Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, Dieter Oesterhelt, https://www.biochem.mpg.de/oesterhelt

- Christina Beck: Single-Celled Organisms Shed Light on Neurobiology, Max Planck Research 3/2014: https://www.mpg.de/8815135/F001_Focus_018-025.pdf
- Stefan Streif: Understanding Phototaxis of Halobacterium salinarum, Shaker Verlag 5/2011, https://www.shaker.de/de/content/catalogue/index.asp?lang=de&ID=8&ISBN=978-3-8440-0091-7
- Halobacterium salinarum – Video Learning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYOLxN63Stw
- Halobacterium salinarum – The Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BciYDrbQ9EI
- Halobacterium salinarum, © Dr. Bernard Jenni
further information:
- photos/ press images (respect copyrights)
- press release Microbe of the Year 2017 (German)
- ppt-presentation for lecturers (German)
- poster 2017