Electronema - institutes/working groups
- Tillmann Lüders, Ecological Microbiology, University of Bayreuth
- Andreas Schramm, Center for Electromicrobiology, Aarhus University, Dänemark
- Falk Harnisch, Electrobiotechnology, UFZ Leipzig
- Judith Stiefelmaier, Bioprocess Engineering, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau
- Dirk Mayer, Anastasia Gerzhik, Andreas Offenhäusser, Institute of Biological Information Processing, Bioelectronics (IBI-3), Forschungszentrum Jülich
- Mirjam Perner, Marine Biosystems, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Kiel
- Michael Wagner, Division of Microbial Ecology, University of Vienna, Austria
- Andreas Kappler, Geomicrobiology, Center for Applied Geoscience, University of Tübingen

Dancers in the Mud: Cable Break Spoils Bacterial Party I Andreas Schramm I SpringerNature I 3/2023
The mud is electric I Elisabeth Pennisi I Science I 8/2020
Identifying a link between cable bacteria and hydrocarbon degradation in polluted marine sediments I Ugo Marzocchi I Researchfeatures
- Ecology: Electrical Cable Bacteria Save Marine Life I Lars Peter Nielsen I Cell I 1/2016
Cable bacteria, living electrical conduits in the microbial world I Andreas Teske I PNAS I /201
Bacterial power cords I Gemma Reguera I Nature I 10/2012
Oxygen consumption of individual cable bacteria I Stefano Scilipoti et al. I Science Advances I 2/2021
#FEMSmicroBlog: Growing cable bacteria with agar pillar I Corinna Sachs I FEMS I 5/2022

- Watch cable bacteria in action I Aarhus University
- Find your own cable bacteria I Aarhus University
further information
- photos/press images (respect copyrights)
- press release Microbe of the Year 2024
- Presentation for lecturers