Statements, press releases, etc. on current topics or developments


All documents may be downloaded as pdf:

Editorial in BIOspektrum 02/24 "English as an option"

Statement of the undersigned societies in the life sciences on the planned amendment to the German Act on Temporrary Scientific Contracts (22.04.2024, in German) 

VAAM statement of 29 February 2024 on the draft bill to amend the Animal Welfare Act (in German).

Position paper VBIO on Science Communication (in German).

Open letter (in German) of 11.4.2023 to Federal Minister Özdemir on the situation in the Central Commission for Biological Safety (ZKBS) (in German).

Statement (in German) of 27.3.2023 of the undersigned professional associations on the planned amendment of the WissZeitVG (in German).

Editorial (in German) by Anita Marchfelder in BIOspektrum 07/ 20 on the Nobel Prize for CRISPR-Cas (in German).

Microbial Literacy Statement, translation into German by C. Nitsche and D. Jahn, Braunschweig, 2019