On the following pages you will find a list of microbiological institutes and research facilities as well as the VAAM contact persons working there.

If you are looking for a microbiological Master's degree programme after completing your Bachelor's degree, you will find a decision-making aid at www.Master-Bio.de: The database lists all biosciences Master's degree programmes in Germany, and you can use a detailed search mask to search for specific degree programmes in the desired subject area.

Are you interested in a biosciences Bachelor's degree programme? Information on undergraduate biosciences Bachelor's degree programmes has been compiled by the VBIO (German Association for Biology, Biosciences and Biomedicine) at www.bachelor-bio.de.

Up-to-date information on study programmes in all disciplines, state and state-recognised universities and doctoral opportunities in Germany, as well as a study interest test and a study place exchange can also be found on the Hochschulkompass website, an information portal of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK).