VAAM Interviews

In our VAAM in person series, we regularly present our members in the form of short interviews or questionnaires. In addition, in VAAM aktuell, VAAM members comment as experts on current microbiology-related issues.

VAAM in person


"Die Leiden der jungen Wissenschaftler" - Interview with Laura Czech, Marburg, Annemarie Lang, Berlin und Alexander Probst, Duisburg-Essen about the situation of young scientists at German universities. (BIOspektrum 5/20).


Interview with VAAM-Board member (Biochemistry of  microorganisms/ universities of Applied Sciences) Prof. Dr. Matthias Mack, University of Applied Sciences, Mannheim:


Interview with VAAM Research Awardee 2020 und Sprecher of the Special Group Environmental Micorbiology Prof. Dr. Alexander Probst, Universität Duisburg-Essen:


Interview with the speakers of the new Special group "Microbial Viruses" of  VAAM and DGHM: Tessa Quax, Stefanie Babirz, Christiane Wolz und Eveny Idelevich:


Interview with the speaker of the special group Space Microbiology Dr. Ralf Möller, DLR Köln:


Interview with VAAM Vice President Prof. Franz Narberhaus, Bochum:


Interview with former VAAM President Prof. Christine Lang, Berlin:


VAAM aktuell
Interview with Prof. Elke Dittmann, University of Potsdam (2.10.2020)