Notes for Authors

Brief description of the journal
BIOspektrum is the publication organ of the Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie (GBM), the Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie (VAAM), the Gesellschaft für Genetik (GfG) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Experimentelle und Klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie (DGPT) with a circulation of around 15,000 copies. The bi-monthly journal provides an overview of new developments in the biosciences (with a focus on molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics and developmental biology) and informs readers about the latest news from business and politics. Internal news from the scientific community, for example portraits of institutes and scientists, as well as numerous service sections (new products, books, conference announcements, etc.) round off the information offered by BIOspektrum.

Notes for Authors
Scientific contribution (2-3 printed pages, see download below, in German)

Methods contribution (2 printed pages, see doanload below, in German)

Conference reports (1/2 printed page)
Conference reports should briefly present the most important news. Therefore, limit yourself to the most exciting content; do not list all presentations and speakers. Please always include names without titles, with first names written out in full and place or company (Otto Müller, Cambridge or Peter Schneider, Bayer AG). The length should be approx. 2000 characters (including spaces), only in exceptional cases 3000 characters. If possible, please also send a photo or a selection of photos - preferably something imaginative (not just the usual group photo; photos of the organisms discussed at the conference, of the supporting program, a collage, the conference logo, etc. are also suitable). Please state the author's name, contact e-mail address, photo description and photographer and send your contribution to the address below by the submission deadline.

Book review (1 column)The review should not be a summary but an evaluation/opinion! The bibliographical details should be at the beginning of the review and should be structured as follows: author/editor, number of pages, number of illustrations/tabs, publisher, place of publication, year of publication. Finishing (paperback or cardboard or paperback). Price in Euro. ISBN.1,300 to max. 1,800 characters (incl. spaces) are allowed for a review.

Journal Club (short presentation of a new scientific publication):A short introduction (max. 350 characters incl. spaces) is followed by a descriptive text of 1,500 to max. 1,800 characters and a commentary of max. 400 characters to place the article in its scientific context. Please cite the first source as follows: First author (first name only initials, last name), for multiple authors: et al., journal name (for longer ones please abbreviate, e.g. PNAS) volume number, year, page numbers. For example, as follows: A. M. FEDORIW et al. (Science 303 (2004) 238 - 240).

VAAM Editorial BIOspektrum,
Dr. Anja Störiko, Herderstraße 48, 65719 Hofheim
Tel., Fax: 06192-23605, eMail: