VAAM Industry-Academia Panel
The online lecture series VAAM Industry-Academia Panel presents two scientists working on similar issues in industry and in academia. In short lectures, both present their work from their perspective and thus show how applied microbiological research and basic research are intertwined and interlocked. The programmes of previous IAP events can be found in the archive.
Presentations are online via Zoom every 2 months on the 3rd Thursday of the month, 4-5 pm.
Participation is free of charge and also possible for non-members of the VAAM.
If you have already registered for a provious event of the series, you do not need to register again. You will automatically receive an invitation and the access data for the Zoom Conference before the next lecture.
1. Dr. Jessica Rehdorf, AB Enzymes GmbH, Darmstadt
"From Sweet to Healthy: Enzymes for Sugar-Reduction in Juices"
- The growing demand for healthier beverages has driven the need for sugar reduction in juices without compromising taste and quality
- Juices are naturally nutritious, however, their high sugar content raises concerns about potential health impacts
- Enzymatic solutions offer a natural and efficient approach to reduce sugar during juice production, thus offering a pathway to both delicious and healthy juices
2. Dr. Thomas Bayer, Institut für Biochemie, Universität Greifswald
"Enzyme Discovery & Engineering – Developing Next Generation Biocatalysts"
Biocatalysis has evolved into a versatile tool for the chemical synthesis and manufacturing of commodity and fine chemicals, (bio)materials, and pharmaceuticals. Today, sophisticated tools for the discovery of new proteins, their structural elucidation, and well-established protein engineering techniques cater greatly improved biocatalyts – not only meeting industrial performance metrics but enabling new-to-nature chemisty. This lecture highlights selected methods for the early stage development of biocatalysts and examples for potential biotechnological applications.
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Archive of former Industry-Academia Panels: