Former Annual Conferences - Archive

Würzburg, 02-05.06.2024 Members: 3363 Participants: 1466

Main Topics: Biotechnology & Synthetic Microbiology :: Challenges in Antimicrobial Resistance :: Climate Change & Microbes :: Communicating Microbes :: Microbiology in the Digital Era :: Microbiomes :: Phages and Novel Microbial Defense Systems
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Göttingen, 10.-13.09.2023 Members: 3478 Participants: 1000

Main Topics: Regulation and Signal Transduction :: Biotechnology :: Computational Microbiology :: Fungal Interactions
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Düsseldorf/ Online, 21.-23.02.2022 Members: 3454 Participants: 1114

Main Topics: Host-Microbe Interaction :: Cell and Structure :: Microbial Networking :: Biotechnology :: Evolution and Design
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Online, 18.-19.03.2021 Members: 3429 Participants: 1113

Main Topics: "Best of VAAM"

Minisymposien der Fachgruppen Archaea :: Biologie bakterieller Naturstoffproduzenten :: Biologie & Biotechnologie der Pilze :: Biotransformationen :: Cyanobakterien :: Funktionelle Genomik & Bioinformatik :: Lebensmittelmikrobiologie & -hygiene :: Mikrobielle Zellbiologie :: Mikrobielle Pathogenität :: Mikrobielle Viren :: Qualitätssicherung & Diagnostik :: Regulation & Signatransduktion in Prokaryoten :: Symbiotische Interaktionen :: Umweltmikrobiologie :: Wasser & Abwasser :: Weltraummikrobiologie

Leipzig, 08.-11.03.2020 Members: 3490 Participants: 1250

6. joint conference with DGHM

Main Topics: Big Data :: Microbial Physiology and Adaptation :: Infection Prevention :: Microbial Ecology :: Microbial Biotechnology :: Microbial Biotechnology :: Single Cell Microbiology

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Mainz, 17.-20.03.2019 Members: 3453 Participants: 1030

Main Topics: Synthetic Microbiology and Secondary Metabolism :: Chemical Communication :: Anaerobic Metabolism :: Large Protein Complexes :: Sensing and Signaling in Microorganisms

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Wolfsburg, 15.-18.4.2018 Members: 3516 Participants: 1002

Main Topics: Biotechnology & Biochemistry :: Biodiversity & Evolution :: Host-pathogenic Interaction :: Microbiological Economy

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Würzburg, 5.-8.3.2017 Members: 3579 Participants: 1631

5. joint conference with DGHM => "Microbiology and Infection"

Main Topics: Microbiome and Commensals :: Non-coding RNA :: Refugee and Migrant Health :: Phages and new Viruses :: Single Cell Genomics and Gene Expression :: Host Niches and Infection Models :: Antibiotics and Resistence

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Jena, 13.-16.3.2016 Members: 3635 Participants: 1427

Themen: Biodiversität :: Biologie der Pilze :: Funktionelle Ökosystemforschung :: Mikrobielle Abbauprozesse :: Naturstoffe :: BIO-GEO-Interaktionen :: Biotechnologie :: Infektionsbiologie :: Mikrobielle Kommunikation :: Systemische Mikrobiologie

Abstracts as searchable PDF
Marburg, 01.- 04.03.2015 Members: 3558 Participants:: 1224

Themen: Synthetic Microbiology :: Bacterial Cell Biology :: Microbial Evolution :: CRISPR-Systems and Viruses :: Symbiosis

Abstracts as searchable PDF
Dresden, 05.-08.10.2014 Members: 3505 Participants: 1800

4. joint conference with DGHM => "Microbiology and Infection"
Themen: Metbolism and Transport :: Microbial Biotechnology :: Microbial Pathogenicity :: Food and Hospital Hygiene - Quo vadis :: Microbial Stress Response :: Microbiome in Medicine and Nature :: Hypoxie and Anaerobes

Abstracts as searchable PDF
Bremen, 10.-13.3.2013 Members: 3505 Participants: 1468

Together with KNVM
Themen: Host-Microbe Interaction, Marine Microbiology :: Physiology and Metabolism :: Omics and Bioinformatics, Unicellular Eukaryotic Microbiology :: Food and Feed Microbiology :: Environmental Biotechnology :: Single Cell Microbiology

Press release
Tübingen, 18.-21.3.2012 Members: 3458 Participants: 1400
Press release
Karlsruhe, 03.-06.4.2011 Members: 3393 Participants: 1500

Themen: Cell biology :: White biotechnology :: Microbial interactions :: Stress responses :: Environmental microbiology

Press release
Hannover, 28.-31.3.2010 Membersr: 3285 Participants: 1927

3. joint conference with DGHM
Themen: Antimicrobial Compounds :: Functional Genomics :: Gene Regulation :: Hospital Hygiene :: Host Microbe Interaction :: Infection and Cancer :: Innate Immunity Metabolism :: MRSA :: Tuberculosis

Press release

Download Archive of Annual Conferences 1974 - 2009

Archiv der Jahrestagungen 1974 - 2009