VAAM Research Award

VAAM Research Award 2025 - Call for applications

The VAAM Research Award, endowed with 10,000 euros, is awarded every year at the VAAM Annual Conference for outstanding current research work in the field of microbiology. It is aimed at early career academic researchers on their way to a full professorship. Initial independence should be demonstrated by at least one publication as corresponding author. As well as recognising outstanding scientific achievement, the prize also aims to promote careers.
As a rule, the assessment period covers the last few years before the prize is awarded. The Research Award Committee decides on the award.
Proposals for 2025 can be submitted to the President of the VAAM until 31 December 2024.
Please enclose the following documents: Justification, curriculum vitae, publication list and citation index.

Current members of the Research Award Committee: Prof. Dr. Franz Narberhaus (Bochum), Prof. Dr. Stefan Pelzer (Halle/ Westf.), Prof. Dr. Nicole Frankenberg-Dinkel , Prof. Dr. Oskar Zelder (Ludwigshafen), Prof. Dr. Cornelia Welte (Nijmegen).
