Jobs for microbiologists

Postdoc position in Chronomicrobiology - LMU Munich

At the Institute of Medical Psychology, in an international ERC Synergy-funded team, representing a new field that bridges microbiology and circadian biology. The project concerns cracking the molecular mechanism of the B. subtilis clock as well as describing the clock according to chronobiological formalisms. Contact: Prof. Martha Merrow, Ph.D.
Applicaton deadline: 30.01.2025

Job posting
BTA (m/w/d) - Universität Hohenheim

Department of Food Microbiology and Hygiene of the Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology, e.g. for the preparation and realisation of laboratory practicals and support of current research projects on microbial fermentation and/or pathogenic bacteria. Contact: Prof. Dr Herbert Schmidt, application deadline: 15.01.2024

Job posting
PhD Positions - International Max Planck Research School, Tübingen

At the IMPRS ‘From Molecules to Organisms‘ , positions available in Microbiology and microbiome science, Biophysics, Biochemistry and structural biology, Bioinformatics and computational biology, Molecular and cellular biology, Developmental biology and genetics, Genomics and proteomics, and Evolutionary biology and ecology. Application deadline: 27.01.2025

Job posting