Offene Stellen

Postdoc Position - Universität Konstanz

At the Limnological Institute at University of Konstanz, in the Interreg-funded project on the monitoring of Lake Constance and other peri-Alpine lakes via remote sensing as part of the “DiMark” project: Main task is to compare remote sensing applications with available long-term data and reference parameters measured in situ. Contact: Prof. Dr. David Schleheck, Application deadline: 01.09.2024

Job posting
2 Postdoctoral scientists (m/f/d) - Charité Berlin

In ERC-funded Synergy Project “Fungal Tolerance”, to unravel the mechanisms by which fungal pathogens like Candida albicans and Candida auris develop drug tolerance, by modulating their metabolism. Find more info here or contact: Markus Ralser. Link to job application portal

PhD-Student Position - LMU München

In the LMU working group "Microbial Biochemistry", Campus Martinsried. Project: Work on glycomicrobiology using state-of the-art technologies in microbial genetics and biochemistry, we aim to understand bacterial rhamnosylation.Contact: Application deadline: 31.07.2024

Job posting