VAAM Industry-Academia Panel - Archive/ Recordings
- 17. VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 20.02.2025
"Enzymes tailored to fit - From nature to industrial application"
Dr. Thomas Bayer, Universität Greifswald
Enzyme Discovery & Engineering – Developing Next Generation Biocatalysts
Dr. Jessica Rehdorf, AB Enzymes GmbH, Darmstadt
From Sweet to Healthy: Enzymes for Sugar-Reduction in Juices
Flyer IAP17 - 16. VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 21.11.2024
"Bacterial Cellulose - a versatile biopolymer in industrial applications"
PD Dr. Dana Kralisch, JeNaCell GmbH, Jena
From academic research to health care in practice – bacterial cellulose in advanced wound care
Dr. Armin Ehrenreich, Technical University Munich
Genetic Analysis of Cellulose Production in Acetic Acid Bacteria
Flyer IAP16 - 15. VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 19.09.2024
"Next generation transformation - bioportides for gene delivery in various eucaryotic and procaryotic microorganisms"
Dr. Christoph Kutzner, Badische Peptide und Proteine GmbH, Heidelberg
Better Peptides - From peptide production to Gene Delivery
Dr. Sofia Doello, Microbiology/ Organismic Interactions, University of Tübingen
Bioportide mediated transformation of cyanobacteria
Flyer IAP 15 - 14. VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 11.07.2024
"Microbial bioprocess development in small scale cultivation systems"
Prof. Dr. Robert Huber, Hochschule München
Parallel small scale cultivation systems with online-monitoring for applied microbiology
Kyra Hoffmann, Scientific Bioprocessing Inc. (sbi), Baesweiler
Multi parameter sensors for shake flasks: Removing black boxes for improved bioprocess development
Flyer IAP 14 - 13. VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 04.06.2024 at the Joint DGHM/ VAAM Annual Conference, Würzburg
"From Lab to Market: Overcoming the Hurdles of Microbiological Start-Ups"
Khusal Borse, Plantilizer GmbH, Hannover
Biochar + microorganisms = biofertilizer: great possibilities and challenges of young start-ups
Johannes Sonnenschein, Insempra GmbH, Martinsried
Building up a specialty ingredients company 2.0
Nicole Wittenbrink, VDI/ VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH, Berlin
The VIP+ funding measure – validation of the technological and social innovation potential of scientific research
Flyer IAP 13 - 12. VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 21.03.2024
"Towards a sustainable future: the biotech raw materials perspective"
Dr. David Virant, Head of Industrial Biotechnology, Acies Bio, Ljubliana, Slowenien
Synthetic biology approaches to enable a methanol bioeconomy
Prof. Dr. Volker Wendisch, LS Genetik der Prokaryonten Universität Bielefeld
Sustainable production of amines from sidestreams
Flyer_IAP12 - 11. VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 18.01.2024
"How different approaches in academia and industry lead to the next generation of enzymes for sustainable applications"
Prof. Dr. Aurelio Hidalgo, Center for Molecular Biology Severo Ochoa, University Madrid
To boldly go: new frontiers in the discovery of greener biocatalysts for consumer products
Dr. Alexander Pelzer, Head of R&D, BRAIN Biotech AG, Zwingenberg
What is required to provide specialty enzymes?
Spolier alert; Excellence in various technological fiels
Flyer IAP11
Infos IAP11 - 10. VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 16.11.2023
"An update of molecular tools in genetic engineering of microorganisms"
Dr. Marlen Schmidt, Gen-H Genetic Engineering Heidelberg GmbH: Gen-H antibiotic-free fermentation system - important tool for biotechnology
Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Heins, Institut für Bioprozess- und Biosystemtechnik TU Hamburg-Harburg: Multiple fluorescent reporter strains in bioprocesses - getting a better understanding on how our cells behave
Flyer IAP10
Infos IAP10 - 9. VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 12.09.2023, Göttingen
"Microbiology based Spin-offs: Insights from the transition of an academic idea to a business concept“
Dr. Marcel Hövels, Sweethoven Biotech, Bonn: "Sweethoven Biotech - Our exciting journey from academia to biotechnology"
Dr. Luitpold Fried, Bind-X, München: "Bind-X: small molecules, huge impact"
Jonas Ide, Evonik Venture Capital GmbH: "Successfully spin out your startup from university - a Venture Capital perspective"
Infos - 8. VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 20.07.2023
"Recent advances in phage drug development & application"
Dr. Silvia Würstle, Med. Klinik II, Infektiologie, Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt: Viruses - our allies? Bacteriophages in modern precision medicine
Dr. Patrick Grossmann, Invitris GmbH, Garching: New applications of phage therapy enabled by cell-free technology
Infos - 7. VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 25.05.2023
"Anaerobes from Gut and Environment - Bacteroidota as Next generation Bioactives"
Dipl.-Ing. Johanna Benning, Novozymes GmbH, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Streit, Microbiology and Biotechnology, University of Hamburg
- 6. VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 16.03.2023
"High throughput screening in strain and biocatalyst development"
Prof. Dr. Beatrix Süß, Synthetic RNA Biology, TU Darmstadt: Next-level riboswitch development - Implementation of Capture-SELEX allows fast and easy identification of new synthetic riboswitches
Dr. Andreas Meyer, Ginkgo Bioworks (former FGen AG), Basel: High throughput screening - not just a numbers game
- 5. VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 19.01.2023
"Microbiome driven solutions for gut and skin health"
Dr. Christin Koch, Symrise AG, Holzminden: Microbiome based innovation for next generation cosmetic ingredients
Prof. Dr. Christine Moissl-Eichinger, Med Uni Graz, AT: A good start in life: Probiotics for premature infants
- 4. VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 17.11.2022
"Cell Factories"
Dr. Carlos Acevedo-Rocha, Biosynthia AS, Kopenhagen: "Microbial cell factories for the sustainable production of Vitamin B7" Prof. Dr. Alex Toftgaard Nielsen, Novo Nordisk Center for Biosustainability, Technical University of Denmark
"Production of proteins and chemicals using bacterial cell factories" Infos
- 3. VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 15.09.2022
"Microbial Metabolomics"
Jason Winnike, PhD, Metabolon Inc., Morrisville, NC, USA: Using metabolomics to measure changes in the microbiome that affect health
Prof. Dr. Uwe Sauer, Institute of Molecular Systems Biology, ETH Zürich: Metabolomics as a hypothesis generator
Recording: 3rd VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 15.9.2022 - YouTube
- 2. VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 21.7.2022
"Strategies in Microbiological Diagnostics"
Dr. Jiri Snaidr, vermicon AG: Using direct microbiology in industry: how an unbiased look into samples changes our perspective
Dr.-Ing. Mathias Hutzler, Forschungszentrum Weihenstephan, TU München: The appropriate method mix in applied beverage microbiology?Recording: 2nd VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 21.7.2022 - YouTube
- 1. VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, 19.5.2022
"Screening & Understanding of Microbial Production Strains"
Dr. Georg Schaumann (CEO SenseUP GmbH, Jülich): Applying our technology to make a difference. Sustainability. Manufacturing. Health.
Prof. Dr. Alexander Grünberger (Universität Bielefeld): Microfluidic single-cell cultivation: It is all about the environment.