Association for General and Applied Microbiology
The Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM) brings together around 3500 microbiology-oriented scientists. The VAAM promotes the scientific exchange of information and cooperation between its members with the aim of implementing microbiology research results for the benefit of society and the environment.
This is done through
- the annual conference, usually held in spring, at which all areas of microbiology are represented
- conferences organized by the special groups on specific microbiological topics
- members' journal BIOspektrum, a scientific journal published seven times a year, and the conference proceedings
- support of young scientists by PhD awards, travel grants, VAAMentoring for doctoral students and postdocs as well as reduced fees for participation in VAAM conferences
- the online VAAM Industry-Academia Panel, which takes place every two months
- cooperation with other related German scientific societies, e.g. GBM, DGHM, and the VAAM Association of Microbiology. cooperation with other related German scientific societies, e.g. GBM, DGHM, GfG, Dechema, and VBIO
- participation in national and international committees and commissions
VAAM members also serve as valued contacts for questions from the public.