- Aims
- Board
- Special groups
- Archaea
- Biology of bacterial natural product producers
- Biology and Biotechnology of Fungi
- Biotransformations - Joint Group of VAAM and DECHEMA
- Cyanobacteria
- Functional Genomics & Bioinformatics
- Identification and Systematics
- Food microbiology and hygiene - Joint Group of VAAM and DGHM
- Microbial Cell Biology
- Microbial Pathogenicity - Joint Group of VAAM and DGHM
- Microbial Viruses - Joint Group of VAAM and DGHM
- Microbiome
- Quality Management
- Regulation
- Symbiotic Interactions
- Synthetic Microbiology
- Environmental Microbiologiy
- Water and Waste Water
- Space Microbiology
- Honorary Members
- Company Members
- VAAM-Interviews