Environmental Microbiology

Dr. Alexander Probst

Universität Duisburg-Essen
Biofilm Zentrum
Universitätsstraße 5
45141 Essen

Prof. Dr. Susanne Liebner

Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
Telegrafenberg C-423
14473 Potsdam

The division provides a forum for microbiologists interested in environmental research. This includes, for example, microbially catalysed environmental processes such as the nitrogen cycle in soils, the microbial ecology of habitats such as lakes and sediments or the degradation of pollutants in groundwater or in technical systems.
All topics concerning microorganisms in the environment can be found here. We take up new techniques or trends such as metagenomics or cable bacteria and offer the opportunity to discuss these intensively in mini-symposia and workshops. The aim is to give VAAM environmental scientists the opportunity to exchange ideas and form networks.
ð Minisymposia: Every year, we organise a minisymposium of the Division at the VAAM Annual Meeting to discuss current topics from different areas of environmental microbiology. The mini-symposia are organised by different scientists from the division who would like to discuss a specific topic. This is a particularly good opportunity for young scientists to present and advance their own research. If you are interested in organising a mini-symposium, you are welcome to contact the speaker and will then receive financial and organisational support. We typically have 1-2 invited speakers and 4-6 short presentations per mini-symposium.
ð Workshops: The Division also organises and supports workshops on specific topics in environmental microbiology. These workshops can be organised independently of the annual meeting by VAAM members who wish to discuss a specific topic. The VAAM also provides financial and organisational support for these workshops. If you are interested, please contact the speaker.

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