Microbial Pathogenicity

1. Vorsitzender
Prof. Dr. Samuel Wagner

Universität Tübingen
Institut für medizinische Mikrobiologie und Hygiene

Elfriede-Aulhorn-Straße 6
72076 Tübingen

Dr. Dagmar Heuer

Robert Koch-Institut
Fachgebietsleitung FG 18 „Sexuell übertragbare bakterielle Erreger (STI) und HIV“
Seestrasse 10
13353 Berlin

Dr. Silke Niemann

Universitätsklinikum Münster
Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie
Domagkstraße 10
48149 Münster

The Division of Microbial Pathogenicity, which currently has around 480 members, was the first unified division of the VAAM and DGHM in 2014, and a joint executive board was also appointed.

The FG forms a platform for pathogen-orientated bacterial infection research in Germany. The scientific interest is focussed on the molecular understanding of microbial virulence factors. In addition to classical topics of microbial pathogenicity such as toxin functions, adhesion or regulation of virulence genes, cellular microbiology is a new important direction in the group. Here, the effects of the interaction between microbial pathogens and eukaryotic host cells are analysed on a cellular and molecular level.

Questions on the influence of bacterial components on the signalling cascades of the host cell are also at the centre of attention. There are close links with the specialist groups "Eukaryotic Infectious Agents" and "Gastrointestinal Infections", which lead to joint events during the DGHM annual conferences.

The three-day mini-symposium "Microbial Pathogenicity", which takes place every two years and will be held again in June 2022, is of central importance. Over 60 members regularly take part in this specialist group conference, which is held in Bad Urach in the Haus auf der Alb. The focus here is on interactive discussion with younger scientists. In recent years, the specialist group has supported various more specific pathogen-orientated national and international conferences.

Admission to special group