Former Events
- 12.-13.09.2024, Pohlheim /Gießen
Special Group Meeting and company visit Fa. Novonesis
Report in BS 07/24 - 02.-05.06.2024, Würzburg, 7. Joint VAAM/DGHM-Joint Annual Conference
Joint Symposium with DGHM-Fachgruppe Diagnostic and clinical microbiology
Report in BS 05/24 - 10.-13.09.2023, Göttingen, VAAM Annual Conference
Career symposium of the special group
Report in BS 07/23 on the activities of the special group at the VAAM Annual Conference 2023
Presentation M. Merli (in German): Einstieg in die Life-Sciences Industrie - 22.-23.06.2023, Kaarst
Identification of microorganisms, quality control of reagents and company visit Charles River
Bericht BIOspektrum 05/23 - 25.-26.11.2022, Erlangen
DGHM special group meeting Diagnostic and clinical microbiology
Programm - 25.-27.09.2022, Frankfurt am Main
Meeting of the group Curriculum pharmazeutische Mikrobiologie (CPM),
- 10.6.2022, Göttingen
Special group meeting Qualitätssicherung und Diagnostik and company visit Sartorius
Report in BIOspektrum 05/22 - 21-23.02.2022, VAAM-Jahrestagung, Online
Special group symposium
Report in BIOspektrum 03/22 - 18.-19.03.2021 Virtuelle VAAM-Jahrestagung 2021
Report in BIOspektrum 04/21
- 26.09. - 27.09.2019 - Erlangen
First joint meeting of the VAAM FG "Qualitätssicherung und Diagnostik" and DGHM FG "Diagnostische und Klinische Mikrobiologie" at the microbiological Institute of the University Clinic Erlangen.
Program and more information
- 16.11.2018 - Kulmbach, Max-Rubner-Institut,
Autumn meeting of the VAAM special group
Mikrobielle Kontrollstrategie für eine low-bioburden-Wirkstoffproduktion
Einführung von mikrobiologischen Schnellmethoden in der pharmazeutischen Industrie
Validierung von Inkubationsbedingungen