Weltraummikrobiologie - Archiv
- 28.-29.09.2023, Köln
Big Bang… Microbes! – Workshop on Cultivation of the Uncultivables!
Bericht in BS 07/ 23 - 22. - 26.05.2023, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Workshop Launching Space Biology
The workshop aims to support research in the novel interdisciplinary field of space biology. It is targeted to doctoral students and postdocs that are interested or are already planning to launch a space biology experiment or research project.
Einladung (pdf) - 23.-24.03.2022, Erlangen
Gravimeeting - 22. Jahrestagung für Gravitationsbiologie
Bericht in BIOspektrum 03/ 23 - 08. – 09.12.2022 Bonn-Venusberg
Microbiome-Symposium 2022
Einladung (pdf)
Flyer/ Programm (pdf)
Bericht in BIOspektrum 1/23 - 21.-23.2.2022 VAAM-Jahrestagung 2022, Online
Bericht in BIOspektrum 3/222 - 18.-19.3.2021 Virtuelle VAAM-Jahrestagung
Bericht in BIOspektrum 4/21 - 8.-11.3.2020 VAAM-Jahrestagung, Leipzig
Our session was open for following topics: space microbiology, astrobiology, biotechnology, biochemistry, aerobiology, extreme environmental microbiology, space medical microbiology, public outreach/teaching, field work, spaceflight experiments, etc.
Bericht in BIOspektrum 4/20 - 8.10.2019 Duisburg/ Essen
Space Microbiology meets Omics - 8.-11.3. 2019 VAAM-Jahrestagung, Mainz
Weitere Beiträge/ Veröffentlichungen der Fachgruppe