15.-17.11.2021: Cyano2021 6th early Career Researcher Symposium on Cyanobacterial Research, , due to Corona pandemic it was organized as virtual event in Gathertown.
"Photosynthesis - From its origins to applications" (s. Bericht BIOspektrum 01/22)
Organized by Dennis Nürnberg and Ralf Steuer; Invited speakers: Kirstin
Gutekunst (Kassel), Dario Leister (LMU München), William Martin
(Düsseldorf), Alistair McCormick (Edinburgh, UK), Marc Nowaczyk (Bochum) und Bill Rutherford (London, UK).
2021: Annual VAAM conference (online due to Corona pandemic)
Minisymposium: “The potential of cyanobacteria in biotechnology“
Invited and selected speakers: Andreas Schmid (Leipzig), Chen Yang
(Shanghai), Leen Assil-Companioni (Graz, Österreich), Björn Watzer (Tübingen).
14.-18.09.2020, online: Cyano2020 5th Young Investigator Symposium, virtual event.
Organized by Nicolas Schmelling and Ilka M. Axmann); due to Corona pandemic it was organized as virtual event and planned as summer school.
2019: Election of Stephan Klähn (UFZ Leipzig) as new speaker, Karl Forchammer retired after being the speaker for 4 years.
12.-13.12.2019, UFZ Leipzig
MIKAT Symposium on Cyanobacteria
From gene and protein functions to biotechnology
Organized by Stephan Klähn and Andreas Schmid (UFZ Leipzig); invited speakers: Pauli Kallio (Turku, Finland), Ilka Axmann (Düsseldorf), Kirstin Gutekunst (Kiel), Annegret Wilde (Freiburg), Karl Forchhammer (Tübingen), Martin Hagemann (Rostock), Elke Dittmann (Potsdam), Marc Nowaczyk (Bochum), Marion Eisenhut (Düsseldorf), Julie Zedler (Jena), Severin Sasso (Leipzig).
11.– 13. September 2019, Tübingen: Cyano2019, 4th Young Investigator Symposium, Tübingen
Organized by students of Karl Forchhammer and Iris Maldener.
Invited speakers: Haim Treves (Potsdam), Kirstin Gutekunst (Kiel), Takashi Osanai (Tokio, Japan), Amel Latifi (Marseille, Frankreich).
17.-20.03.2019, Mainz: Annual VAAM conference
Minisymposium: “Cyanobacterial microcompartments and cellular structures“
Invited and selected speakers: Luning Liu (Liverpool), Carmen Siebenaller (Mainz), Claudia Taubenheim (Kiel), Ann-Katrin Kieninger (Tübingen).
2018: Cyano2018: 3rd Young Investigator Symposium, Freiburg organized by groups of Annegret Wilde and Wolfgang R. Hess.
13.-15.09.2017: Cyano2017: 2nd Cyanobacteria Young Investigator Symposium, Düsseldorf
Organized by students of Ilka M. Axmann, Introduction of brand “Cyano20XX” by Nicolas Schmelling.